Thursday, June 10, 2010

Panic! @ the Disco?

There is that singular moment we experience -- rarely if we are blessed -- that is like a lightning bolt striking in the heart. It is that split second right before the car changes lanes into you, the blip right after you miss a step, when from nowhere your heart races to the edge of insanity. You can't believe that it isn't coming apart inside of you. For me, it is the most horrendous feeling, because it speaks of danger, and worse, the kind of danger that cannot be contained. It is a whisper that wakes the dead.

This is what happens to me when I slowly open my eyes for no discernible reason, roll to the side, look at my phone, and realize that I am supposed to be at work in 2 minutes. This is what happened today. 7:58. NO! My alarm didn't go off, because I had left it on vibrate. The panic that came over me sent thoughts of all crazy kinds through my head. You'll be fired. Don't be ridiculous, you'll just get written up. Stop, it's never happened before, they'll tell you to be more careful. As my heart rate slows, my thoughts return to earth. I call, explain the problem, tell them I'm on the way. The adrenaline breaks, and I can feel my chest again, and I know that everything is OK, and I don't have to worry about my heart exploding...

And then I dropped my iPhone in the toilet.

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